This basic course affords you the opportunity to discover the world of Angel Symbols for the first time, to deepen your previous experiences, to try out new possibilities of application, and thereby to get to know yourself even better.

For the full experience of this eWorkshop you need the energized Angel Symbol Cards 1-49 by Ingrid Auer and the handbook 'Energized Angel Symbols. 49 Keys to the Angelic World'. These are available on Amazon.

What participants say

“This eWorkshop came at just the right time for me. It meant a quantum leap in my own development process - thank you dear Ingrid Auer.”


“When working through the individual modules you feel the angel energy very intensively. I use the methods from the course for myself as well as for my clients and am always enthusiastic.”


“The angels and their energies transmitted through Ingrid have helped me a lot to discover my life plan and to follow it. ”


Course Content

  • 01
    Heavenly tools: Angel Symbols 1-49
    Show Content
    • Preparation
  • 02
    Show Content
    • All Aura Essences
    • Angel Symbols and their Colors (for Part 2)
    • Transmission Card
  • 04
    What the symbol card of the day wants to tell you
    Show Content
    • Take your time: draw a card of the day
    • Interesting facts: how it all began
    • Interesting facts: the most important colors and their meaning
    • Message from the angel group for SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY
    • Symbol Meditation
  • 05
    Understanding and transforming events
    Show Content
    • Take your time (1): day review
    • Take your time (2): for a person/situation/energetic work
    • Interesting facts: spiritual tools for a new era
    • Message from the angel group for HUMANITY
  • 06
    Show Content
    • Take your time: your personal “stocktaking”
    • Interesting facts: special features of the symbols
    • Message from the angel group for PURITY AND CLARITY
  • 07
    Angel Aura Essences and Angel Essences
    Show Content
    • Take your time (1): the ideal choice of Angel Aura Essences and Angel Essences
    • Take your time (2): Energy transmission
    • Interesting facts: “Liquid symbols”
    • Message from the angel group for DIVINE POWER
    • Aura Meditation
  • 08
    Protection Circles
    Show Content
    • Take your time: laying protection circles
    • Interesting facts: materialistic, holistic and spiritual view of the world
    • Message from the angel group for REALIZATION AND ACCEPTANCE
  • 09
    Cutting Circles
    Show Content
    • Take your time: laying cutting circles
    • Interesting facts: how energy transmission works
    • Message from the angel group for LETTING GO
  • 10
    Energetic Cleansing
    Show Content
    • Take your time: energetic cleansing of crystals, pendulum, dowser, drugs or food
    • Interesting facts: the human subtle body
    • Message from the angel group for CHANGE AND TRANSFORMATION
    • Energetic Cleansing Meditation
  • 11
    Decision support
    Show Content
    • Take your time: angels help you to make decisions
    • Interesting facts: the ideal selection with the help of pendulum, dowser and muscle test
    • Message from the angel group for COURAGE AND PERSEVERANCE
  • 12
    Angelic help
    Show Content
    • Take your time: angelic help in difficult times
    • Interesting facts: the transformation process
    • Message from the angel group for OPTIMISM AND BEAUTY
    • Final Meditation
    • Goodbye!